In recent years, nootropic supplements and ‘smart drugs’ have exploded into the mainstream consciousness.
There exists a myriad of nootropic substances which can benefit learning and mental clarity.
Nootropics refer to a broad range of supplements and compounds which can be taken to enhance brain function and health. The term encompasses everything from man-made synthetic compounds, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and neurotransmitter precursors.
Nootropics can modulate a range of biological processes which aid with neurotransmission, intracellular signalling and various molecular processes. Subsequently, this can improve cognition, memory and learning. nootropics can also improve the production of proteins which offer neuroprotection and foster brain health.
The key ingredient Citicoline (sometimes known as CDP-choline) is a naturally occurring molecule that is vital for key neuronal functions, particularly those related to cognition, learning and memory. This is because citicoline is quickly converted into choline once in the body.
Choline is a key precursor molecule which is used to synthesise the neurotransmitter Acetylecholine (Ach).
Acetylcholine is a key player in attention and alertness, it also underlies many complex behaviours 1, 2. The cholinergic system of neurons is widely implicated in various aspects of cognition, learning and memory 3-5.
Citicoline has become a hot topic in the field of neuroscience Indeed, some countries have already trialled the supplement to aid with cognitive and mental function during stroke recovery 6-8.
The good news is that, unlike some other nootropic substrates, citicoline has been the subject of fairly rigorous scientific investigation. This means we have a good understanding of its effects, efficacy, safety and best use.
Studies in humans have highlighted that citicoline can have a beneficial effect on concertration, working memory and attention.
Short-term benefits: Performance-driven thinking like focus, short-term memory, stress resistance and others that help to give a more immediate edge to productivity, intensity, competition, deadline, exams, etc.
Long-term benefits: Promotes healthy brain structure and function during the aging process, including support for memory, age-related cognitive decline, mood, and mental clarity well into senior years.